Thursday, February 17, 2011

Exercise PART 4


  1. I like the shapes and white space that you are creating with the background shapes, but I feel like in every design the type is really close to where the color blocks meet. I think its uncomfortably to close and maybe try leaving some more space where the type and the color blocks meet? The 3rd design, reminds me to much of a lighning bolt - its to harsh. I enjoy the 4th one, with the black points facing in at eachother. i Like the simplicity and white space the most in this design. although again, i think the type is cramed to close together inside the shapes.

  2. I really enjoy your color use in all of these designs. Red is a great color and brings a good element to it. I think that the first design you have is good. I like the tension that is created between the two black angular shapes. It gives it movement. I see that your text is set up very similarly. That being said, I think that some of the text blocks that you have set up are too restrictive. I feel the text is trapped within the shape and packed too tight. Give it some breathing room. A positive aspect of the smaller text forms is the negative space that is created. You do a solid job of utilizing the negative space, but I also don’t think that it would be hindered if you explored a more spaced out form of text.

    The color usage like I mentioned above is good, but I feel that in some of them it is too much. Take the bottom one for instance, I do like red, but I think that having a huge red box at the top is very distracting. It is the only red on the page; there is no red text anywhere else. My eye cannot move away from it. Maybe try using less red, but spacing it out more?

    Overall I dig your designs. They look good and I think with a few small tweaks there is potential for some wicked final designs.
